#111: Brendan Benson

  1. “Bus Stop” - Tee Vee Repairman

  2. “Black Box (Meigs Street) - Nana Grizol

  3. “48 M” - Sloan Brothers

  4. “Dead Meat” - The Tubs

  5. “Inamorato” - THUS LOVE

  6. “Evil Does It” - Pearl Earl

  7. “England Expectorates” - Julian Cope

  8. “Me Against Me (Secret Series)” - John Wesley Harding

  9. “Tiny Spark” - Brendan Benson

  10. “Whole Lotta Nothin” - Brendan Benson

  11. “Something a Little Like Home” - Brendan Benson

  12. “I Don’t Know What You See In Me” - Belle and Sebastian

  13. “Cheese!” - Friendly Neighborhood Ghost